The project aims to rescue the process of ruin in which they are immersed. Attempts to transform the landscape without changing its structure.
The project-tour begins at the moment we walked in the Natural Park.
By day, the course is marked by landmark (milestones), treatment epithelial fixture (pavement), inserting points where a stop on the road, where camouflage and stop to watch.
At night, the lighting of the wells shows me its presence, like fireflies that flash lights and outline the black peaks.
The cylinders of light are mixed, appear to move as I draw them from the different accesses that generate changing views: Codes of light. These codes (visible within a radius of several kilometers) help us to orient ourselves in the mountains, we indicate our position and make access to the mountain becomes a game. The code I used to translate the existing routes and create new ones. They are: tours ‘invisible’.
In the same way that the towers have ordered time with the sound and set the spatial points of the people from a distance with the vision of its bell tower, us with light, try this spatio-temporal order.